Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity for recent and future generations. For this to be able to be achieved, the 17 SDGs were developed that are an urgent call in a global partnership with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth with sustainability principles.


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 At Dematic, we believe that sustainability has an essential role in our business strategy. Therefore, we have adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as central core of our sustainability strategy.

The SDGs are targets established by the United Nations aiming to create a sustainable and universal development for all societies to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. In 2016 a total of 17 goals with 169 sub-goals were set up to foster actions in the social, environmental, and economical aspects and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030 as part of the Agenda for Sustainable Development.                           

In 2018, this approach was revised and further substantiated with a Group-wide materiality analysis. A worldwide survey of the most important stakeholder groups produced a comprehensive synopsis of opinions. Based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Dematic within the KION Group’s sustainability task force (consisting of the sustainability coordinators of the operating units) identified 15 topics that were evaluated at the level of all operating units and then aggregated into findings for the entire KION Group at workshops. In these, opportunities and risks arising from business activities were considered, as were the positive and negative effects of the company’s activities on the environment and society. This allowed for the identification of the issues of relevance to Dematic and the Group as a whole.

Business and sustainability 

Companies have an essential role to play in fostering sustainability growth, as well as direct interest in helping to develop solutions to global sustainability challenges. The SDGs represent a big opportunity for business to shape, communicate and report the sustainability strategies, goals and activities having as consequence a wide range of benefits. Engaging with the SDGs helps businesses to:

- Secure long-term success by improving the broader environment and ecosystems in which businesses operate
- Build reputation, strategic market positioning and safeguard a license to operate
- Increase supply chain resilience by enhancing supply chain sustainability and operational efficiency
- Create and access new markets
- Spawn investor interest by increasing attractiveness to a wider range of investors
- Being “ahead of the curve” in assuring license to operate by addressing regulatory compliance and managing skills

For more information, please visit: Business and the SDGs

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